all skill levels中文什么意思

发音:   用"all skill levels"造句
  • all:    adj. 1.所有的,全部的,整个的 ...
  • skill:    vi. 〔古语〕〔常用 it 为主语 ...
  • level:    n. 1.水平仪,水准仪;水准测量。 ...
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  1. A place for photographers of all skill levels to share experiences , get critiques on photos , and discuss the latest technology
  2. Introduces fundamental innovations to database software and adds a huge number of new capabilities that will appeal to users of all skill levels . for end users
  3. Sql server management studio combines a broad group of graphical tools with a rich script editor to provide access to sql server to developers and administrators of all skill levels
    Sql server management studio组合了大量图形工具和丰富的脚本编辑器,使各种技术水平的开发人员和管理员都能访问sql server 。
  4. Sql server management studio combines a broad group of graphical tools with a number of rich script editors to provide access to sql server to developers and administrators of all skill levels
    Sql server management studio将一组多样化的图形工具与多种功能全的脚本编辑器组合在一起,可为各种技术级别的开发人员和管理员提供对sql server的访问。
  5. Ssms combines the features of enterprise manager , query analyzer , and analysis manager , included in previous releases of sql server , into a single environment that provides sql server access to developers and administrators of all skill levels
    Ssms将sql server早期版本中包含的企业管理器、查询分析器和分析管理器的功能组合到单一环境中,为不同层次的开发人员和管理员提供sql server访问能力。


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